White label SEO

SEO metrics explained


Ultimate SEO metrics explained

If you’re looking to optimize your website’s search engine performance, it’s crucial to understand and master the key metrics used in SEO. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the ultimate SEO metrics for you, explaining their significance and how to use them effectively to improve your website’s rankings.

We’ll cover everything from Domain Rating and URL Rating to Trust Flow and Citation Flow, as well as diving into the importance of backlinks, inbound links, outbound links, onpage, offpage, and referring domains. Let this information inspire you to take control of your SEO strategy and unlock your website’s full potential. Other than this, our entire SEO guideline will also grant you the most comprehensive SEO information.

Ranking performance of pages within 1 years from "first seen"

Source: https://ahrefs.com/blog/how-long-does-it-take-to-rank/

Domain Rating

Your Domain Rating (DR) is a metric that measures the overall strength of your website’s backlink profile. This rating, which ranges from 0-100, provides insights into your website’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines. The higher your DR, the more authoritative and reliable your website appears to be. As more authoritative websites are more likely to rank well in search engines, improving your Domain Rating is of utmost importance.

One way to improve your DR is by creating high-quality content that other websites will want to link to. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and other types of content that provide value to your target audience. By creating valuable content, you increase the likelihood that other websites will link to your website, which can help boost your DR.

Another way to improve your DR is by reaching out to other websites and asking for backlinks. However, it’s important to approach this strategy carefully and ethically. You should only reach out to websites that are relevant to your niche and offer value to your target audience. Additionally, you should avoid using spammy or manipulative tactics to try to get backlinks, as this can harm your website’s reputation and potentially result in penalties from search engines.

To identify and target high-profile websites that can potentially link to your content, you can use tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, or Moz to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. These tools can help you identify websites that have high Domain Ratings and are relevant to your niche. Once you’ve identified these websites, you can reach out to them and pitch your content as a valuable resource that their audience would be interested in.

Improving your Domain Rating is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and attention. By creating high-quality content, reaching out to relevant websites, and using tools to identify high-profile backlink sources, you can gradually improve your website’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines.

URL Rating

URL Rating (UR) is an essential metric that plays a crucial role in determining a website’s search engine ranking. It is a metric that measures the overall strength of a webpage’s backlink profile. In other words, it assesses the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to a specific page within a domain.

UR scores range from 0-100, with higher scores indicating a stronger backlink profile that can potentially drive higher search rankings. A higher UR score means that a webpage is more likely to appear at the top of search engine result pages (SERPs) for relevant queries.

It is important to note that the UR score is just one of the many factors that search engines use to rank web pages. However, it is a crucial factor that can influence a website’s overall search engine ranking.

Improving your URL Rating requires a well-planned SEO strategy that focuses on obtaining high-quality backlinks specifically for individual pages on your website. Targeting relevant and authoritative sites within your niche is crucial, as these sites are more likely to link back to your website if you offer valuable information that is tailored to their audiences.

One effective way to improve your UR score is to create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that is relevant to your target audience. This type of content is more likely to attract backlinks from other websites, which can help boost your UR score.

Another way to improve your UR score is to optimize your website’s internal linking structure. Internal linking helps search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of your website’s content, which can help improve your website’s overall search engine ranking.

In conclusion, URL Rating is an important metric that should not be ignored in your SEO strategy. By focusing on obtaining high-quality backlinks and optimizing your website’s content and internal linking structure, you can improve your website’s UR score and overall search engine ranking.

Trust Flow

Trust Flow is a metric developed by Majestic that assesses the credibility of your website based on the quality of your backlinks. The higher the Trust Flow, the more trustworthy your website is deemed to be by search engines. Trust Flow matters because websites with higher credibility tend to rank better.

When it comes to building a strong Trust Flow, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind. First and foremost, focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to your target audience. This will help attract natural backlinks from other reputable websites in your industry.

In addition to creating great content, you should also concentrate on securing backlinks from high-authority websites that have earned a reputation for trust and reliability. These backlinks will carry more weight in the eyes of search engines, and can help boost your Trust Flow over time.

Another important factor to consider is the diversity of your backlink profile. Ideally, you want to have a mix of different types of backlinks, including links from blogs, news sites, social media platforms, and other relevant sources. This will help demonstrate to search engines that your website is a trusted and authoritative source of information in your industry.

Finally, it’s important to regularly monitor and clean up your backlink profile to eliminate potentially harmful, low-quality links that can hamper your Trust Flow. This can involve reaching out to webmasters to request the removal of spammy or irrelevant links, or using tools like Google’s Disavow Links tool to disavow links that you can’t remove manually.

By following these strategies and focusing on building a strong, diverse backlink profile, you can help improve your website’s Trust Flow and boost your search engine rankings over time.

Citation Flow

Citation Flow, another metric developed by Majestic, evaluates the volume and influence of your website’s backlinks without considering the quality of those links. A higher Citation Flow indicates that your website has numerous backlinks, implying potential authority and visibility in search engines. However, remember that Trust Flow plays a crucial role in balancing the effects of Citation Flow, as search engines emphasize both link quantity and quality.

Increasing your Citation Flow involves obtaining more backlinks from relevant sources. Consider targeting industry influencers, guest blogging on niche platforms, and generating engaging, shareable content to attract links from a broader range of high-quality sources.


Backlinks are fundamental to SEO success, as they play a significant role in determining Domain Rating, URL Rating, Trust Flow, and Citation Flow. Backlinks are simply links from another website that point to your own site. These links act as a “vote of confidence” for your content, indicating to search engines that your website is considered useful and informative.

Backlink building should be a central focus of your SEO strategy. Prioritize generating top-notch content, engaging with influencers in your industry, contributing to industry forums, and participating in guest blogging opportunities to expand your reach and secure high-quality backlinks on a consistent basis.

Inbound Links

Inbound links are synonymous with backlinks, denoting any incoming links from external websites. Strengthening your pool of inbound links fuels your website’s perceived relevance, authority, and trustworthiness, thus positively impacting your search rankings.

To amass a diverse array of inbound links, carry out keyword research to ensure that your content caters to user queries and search intent. Moreover, create shareable content that appeals to both industry peers and potential customers, leading to increased organic link-building opportunities.

Outbound Links

Outbound links are external links that point from your website to other websites. These links facilitate additional context and resources for your audience, adding value to your content. By linking to authoritative, high-quality websites, search engines may interpret your content as more reliable and better informed, leading to improved search rankings.

Be selective when inserting outbound links, ensuring they reinforce your content, point to reputable sources, and are not overly promotional. Outbound links should serve to complement your content, leading readers to additional informative resources.


Onpage SEO involves optimizing individual webpages to influence how search engines interpret and rank your content, ultimately affecting your website’s overall visibility. Some key aspects of onpage SEO include meta tags, header tags, URL structure, keyword optimization, and internal linking.

To improve your onpage SEO, conduct a comprehensive audit of your website’s content, identifying any shortcomings across both technical elements and writing quality. Tackle these weaknesses methodically, optimizing each element of your content to provide a seamless and valuable experience for both search engines and human users alike.


Offpage SEO encompasses factors external to your website that influence search engine rankings, such as backlinks, social signals, and online reputation. Unlike with onpage SEO, the majority of offpage factors lie outside your direct control. However, you can still impact your website’s offpage SEO through strategic efforts to build relationships within your niche, initiate collaborative work, and create shareable content.

By producing high-quality content and engaging with industry influencers, you can bolster your offpage SEO and increase the likelihood of external websites linking to your content. A strong offpage SEO strategy that focuses on augmenting your online reputation, authority, and trustworthiness is essential for attaining high search engine rankings and attracting targeted traffic.

Referring Domains

Referring domains are distinct websites that link back to your site. Though popularly confused with backlinks, referring domains refer to the originating sources of links, while backlinks focus on the number of individual links. Both search engines and users regard a diverse set of referring domains as a key indicator of your website’s credibility and authority. As a result, acquiring more and better-quality referring domains can enhance your website visibility and SEO success.

To boost your collection of referring domains, identify reputable websites within your niche and explore opportunities for collaboration, guest blogging, or content-sharing partnerships. By fostering strong relationships with influential websites, creating valuable content, and leveraging online forums or communities within your niche, you can steadily increase your referring domains and potentially drive higher search rankings.

In conclusion, understanding and mastering these essential SEO metrics is a critical step toward improving your website’s search engine performance. Empower yourself with knowledge and inspiration to take the reins of your SEO strategy, optimizing your website in each of these areas to unlock your full potential and secure your place at the top of the search results.

FAQ on SEO metrics

What is SEO metric?

SEO metrics are data points or indicators you should track and monitor to measure performance and keep a healthy, optimized website. Whether it’s to track engagement or reflect on SERP authority, monitoring your SEO metrics can assist you in planning strategies for the future. Source

What SEO metrics should you track?

SEO metrics that are worth to track:

  1. Organic traffic
  2. Keyword rankings
  3. Search visibility
  4. Traffic value
  5. Organic traffic conversions
  6. Referring domains
  7. Indexed pages
  8. Index coverage errors
  9. Core Web Vitals
  10. Website health Source

What is SEO vs SEM metrics?

SEO focuses on the creation and enhancement of webpages to improve their rankings in organic search results. SEM focuses on the use of paid advertisements to rank at the top of SERPs. To help pages rank organically, marketers use SEO best practices to create content that search engine algorithms tend to favor. Source

How is SEO performance measured?

Your website’s authority score predicts how well a domain will rank. SEMrush’s Authority Score is measured on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 100, and a higher number means more traffic and better ranking. A low number may cause decreased traffic and ranking. Source

What are SEO techniques?

Understanding how search engines work is only the first step of the process in improving a site’s search rankings. Actually improving a site’s rank involves leveraging various SEO techniques to optimize the site for search:

  • Keyword research – Keyword research is often the starting point for SEO and involves looking at what keywords a site is already ranking for, what keywords competitors rank for, and what other keywords potential customers are searching for.
  • Content marketing – Once potential keywords are identified, content marketing comes into play. This can be updating existing content or creating brand new pieces of content.
  • Link building – Because links from external websites (called “backlinks” in SEO parlance) are one of the core ranking factors in Google and other major search engines, obtaining high-quality backlinks is one of the main levers that SEO has.
  • On-page optimization – In addition to off-page factors such as links, improving the actual structure of the page can have tremendous benefits for SEO, and is a factor that is entirely in the control of the webmaster.
  • Site architecture optimization – External links are not the only thing that matters for SEO, internal links (the links within one’s own website) play a large role in SEO as well.
  • Semantic markup – Another SEO strategy that SEO experts utilize is optimizing a website’s semantic markup. Semantic markup (such as Schema.org) is used to describe the meaning behind the content on a page, such as helping to identify who the author of a piece of content is or the topic and type of content on a page. Source

What are 3 main areas of SEO?

The three kinds of SEO are:

  • On-page SEO – Anything on your web pages – Blogs, product copy, web copy.
  • Off-page SEO – Anything which happens away from your website that helps with your SEO Strategy- Backlinks.
  • Technical SEO – Anything technical undertaken to improve Search Rankings – site indexing to help bot crawling. Source

Why is SEO important?

In short, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. Check out the SEO tools you can use for optimal ranking. Source